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"Five of the best digital cameras"

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Sunday 22 April 2012

"Five of the best digital cameras"

panasonic lumix
Panasonic's Lumix TZ30 is the seventh iteration of the popular model.
FROM internet apps to old-world appeal, digital cameras are branching out.

FujiFilm, $699
Rating: 4.5/5
FujiFilm revolutionised its line-up with the old-school X100 camera. With the X10, it makes that revolution more accessible. The X10 retains the slightly bulky appearance and textured facade, dedicated exposure dial and the way you turn it on (a twist of its lens). This X Series offering does away with a fixed lens, however, and lets users close in on subjects with a 28-112mm (4X) zoom. Its optical viewfinder automatically adjusts perspective when the zoom is employed, though it doesn't feature the LED screen extras of its hybrid electronic predecessor. This 12-megapixel camera also offers an aperture as low as f2.0, a 2.8-inch screen, full high-definition video recording and a snappy reaction speed.

Olympus, $349
Rating: 3.5/5
This device has a longer reach than you would typically expect of a $350 camera. The zoom lens on the Olympus SZ-14 camera stretches from a wide angle of 25mm to an enormous 600mm or, in digital parlance, up to 24x. Olympus has added sensor-shift image stabilisation, which helps eliminate some of the movement blur caused by trying to keep such a cannon steady. Surprisingly, this 14-megapixel super-zoom camera is quite light, at just 216g and 3.9cm thin, and it also features 16 scene modes, 10 frames-per-second shooting, and a macro mode that allows for close-ups from 3cm away. But its body feels a little flimsy and all menus must be accessed on screen.

Panasonic, $449
Rating: 4/5
Tourists have long appreciated Panasonic's range of Travel Zoom cameras as a great compromise between a long lens and a small camera body. This, the company's seventh instalment, has a slimmer 3.3cm body, a greater optical zoom with 20x magnification, GPS function for tracking photos, and a three-inch touchscreen. This 14.1-megapixel camera can be used in Intelligent Auto mode but it also offers extras for confident photographers, including 10 frames-per-second shooting, High Dynamic Range mode that combines two photos, and Creative Control. Its sometimes imperfect white balance and low-resolution screen count against it.

Samsung, $249
Rating: 2.5/5
Rather than waiting until you're near a computer, this smart camera lets you share your best photos on the web right away. The WB150F is one of a number of internet-connected cameras on the way from Samsung and it even features a wi-fi option on its camera dial for quick access. From this menu, users can connect to a wireless hotspot and then email images, back them up to a computer or connect directly to Facebook, YouTube, Picasa or Photobucket. Aside from its net smarts, this camera is a basic shooter. It features a 14.2-megapixel resolution, 18x zoom, an average three-inch screen and Smart Auto mode for snapshots. It does operate a little slowly, but delivers a lot for its price.

Canon, $849
Rating: 4.5/5
In the PowerShot G1X, Canon has created a compact camera that behaves like a digital SLR. This camera is packed with options. A manual exposure dial sits beneath the dial for photo modes, an optical viewfinder lies above its retractable screen, its lens stretches from a 15.1mm wide angle to a distant 60.4mm, and this compact model even features a hotshoe for extra accessories. The 14.3-megapixel shooter is simple to use, but with on-screen shortcuts, the ability to save two custom photo modes and a dedicated button for full high-definition video shooting. As a trade-off, the G1X is significantly larger than its competitors at 6.4cm thick and weighing 534g.

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